About Me





Guten Tag!


I am Kevin and I’m the quirky weirdo who writes on this literature/book blog named Tomebound. I have been blogging since 2012 and I have been loving every single moment of it ever since.

I am a humongous fan of Young Adult fiction and its corresponding sub-genres. I am an avid fantasy and contemporary reader. I do occasionally venture out of this bubble and I would read an Adult and Non-Fiction book from time to time (you know just to spice things up).

As with all book lovers, I am a bookaholic. I hoard and collect books like I breathe air (and my savings ain’t happy about it at all). I prize them more than jewelry (who needs Cartier when you can read books about people wearing Cartier, you know what I’m saying?), which is why I rarely lend out my tomes to anyone.

Basically that’s all I wanna tell you about myself (the internet isn’t the safest place in the world) and I hope you guys were entertained by this long About Me page.


If you’re curious here’s Tomebound‘s etymology (taken from Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary):

Tome (noun): a book, esp. a large, heavy, scholarly one
Bound (adjective): destined or likely to have a specified experience.